Well this is a Wolf Role-playing site. Basicly you make up some kind of wolf, with any kind of abilties and powers. You give it a gender, and maybe some history, and a bit of an attaude.
'The Night Stalkers Pack' is the name of our wolf pack, because the wolf you create will be apart of this pack. He/she will be ranked. Meaning they will become a Hunter, or a Fighter etc. But we have sevral more ranks! (More info below)
My wolf's name is X, (Yeah it's kinda odd) and she is the Alapha female. She rules with her mate, Xiax. She is a shape-shifter and she knows a bit of magic.
But (If you're still interested) first, if you want to apply and start Role Playing with us, you have to create your wolf and introduce him/her. Here's what you do.
1. Go to the main home page and scroll down until you see a purple section called 'All New Wolves.'
2. Once you see that, underneath it will be a section called 'Wanna join the pack?' Click there.
3. Then, this big list of names will apear. These are all the people who have joined our pack. Unfortunatly, only a few are active. But anyway. On the very top, you should see something with a green symbol next to it called 'Sticky: The Application - copy and paste this then create a topic ]' Click here.
4. After you click there, you will see a post that has 'COPY AND PASTE THIS' on the top. Well, do exackly what it says. Copy the information below.
5. Now that you've copied the Application, you need to fill it out and post it. In the top left hand corner, you will see two diffrent options. 'new Topic' and 'Post Reply'. Click 'new Tpoic'.
6. Then this whole typing section pops up. So to start, type in the name of your wolf for your subject. Now, this is where you paste the Applicaton you just copied.
7. After it is pasted, begin to fiill it out. But everything about Impressive title, you can get rid of. Such as 'Impressive title fourm name' and 'Impressive Title User' aswell as 'Impressive Title Characters'. Impressive title is a game that some of our users play on. But if you have never heard of it, fill it in. Otherwise please do what i said and get rid of it.
8. FILL IT IN! Just get rid of the extras in brackets.
9. Once you are finished, please press 'Send' at the bottom.
Welcome! Just await for our aproval, so keep checking in on the fourm for updates. It'd be best to check the very next day.
If you are having trouble finding the ranks, go to the home page, which can easily be navagated to by using the HOME button on the top of the page. Then find 'General Pack Information' and under that click 'The Ranks.' Find the one that had 2009-2010 and press that. A page will come up that says what ranks are taken and what are available. Just find the one you like and make sure it is on your application.
On the home page, down underneath the 'Not Pack Related', click the 'RP' section. Just click on one of the role plays on the top, to see how we do it. Pick on of our newset RPs, whihc are usually at the top. But because you are new, you can create a new topic. (Find the new Topic ithe same spot as before) Name the Rp in the subject part, and begin your Role Playing. We will reply in around the next day, or even a few hours! So keep checking back as often as possible.